Bifrost Liquid - water fill room scene
1. Create a polygon and place it in a certain place ( don't too close to any subjects)
2. Selected the polygon and go to "FX" Bifrost Fluids>Liquid
6. add form for the liquid
1) select the liquid fram
2) Go to Bifrost>Form
7. Select the Foam and change the particle properties
8. Cache the Liquid for rendering
1) Select the liquid frame and go to Bifrost Fluids> Bifrost Options
make sure tick " Enable Background Processing" and "Enable Scratch Caching"
2) Go to Bifrost Fluids > Compute and Cache to Disk..
3) set the sitting, and click the Create and wait for it finish
6) Once you done the Alembic Cache, you can delete the BirostLiquid all files but only left the bifrostLiquid1Mesh and bifrostFoam1Mesh. Then import the Alembic Cache.
You can select the Mesh and change the shades.
Now the file is ready for rendering.
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