How to export Storyboard timeline and audio into Premier
1. Export Storyboard file from Storyboard Pro. Click "File> Export > EDL/AAF/XML..."
2. There will be a window pop up. selected the fields as below.
- Destination Path: put the location you want to save your files
-File Pattern: give a name your project
-Export Type: Tick " Generate EDL file" and "Generate XML file"
- Option: leave the default or change the video size and so on.
-Burn-In: tick "Print Additional Duration: Units: Frames; Repeat: per Panel"
Then export it.
3. Once the files are all exported from Storyboard Pro, close Storyboard Pro, and open Premier and create a new project.
Click " Import media to start" on the right side bottom.
4. Find the folder that you've just export from Storyboard Pro, and choose the "....xml" file, and click Import.
5. Now all the video and audio file from Storyboard should be in Premier. Find the "Sequence" file in the Import files, and double click it. The video you create in Storyboard Pro, should be loaded all properly in Premier now. Job done!
You could the video as a reference for your 3D animation. The best I've found is the Frames count for each panel it's very useful to create each shot in Maya. Once you've created the 3D video, you could import into this project, and drag on the top of the 2D animation. And you even could lower the transparency of the 3D clips and compare with the 2D animation.
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