Storyboard is going to change...

Yesterday, I chatted with a friend, she used to work in advertising agents. She suggested all the online advertising need to catch people's attention in 3 seconds, otherwise, people would skip it quickly.

Then I think my beginning of the story is a little slow and unclear, I will change the title from " Why study at SIT" to " Want to study with Zerofees?" that might engage people faster.

(I was quite happy I  could find a gap to chat my friend with about my storyboard yesterday, as we were super busy with "Stand up for SIT" activity. We went to the airport to photograph the school kids' Haka for Chris, NZ Education Minister's arrival in Invercargill. The Haka was super powerful, and there are many students and local people wear "Stand up for SIT" T-shirt, and held a lot of signages to explain their opinions. "No SIT. No Southland." "Let's not do that". "Southland without SIT as Tim without Smile.".... From 11am, the band set up outside of Hansen Hall/ our office and started singing in the afternoon. I also photographed the Community Meeting with Education Minister. I was so surprised SO MANY people came to the meeting and everyone was standing up with orange signages when Minister arrived. The atmosphere was quite intensive.)

Anyway, I am working on "Treatment" today, and will try to get the "Research" part done tomorrow. Then I will work out my storyboard again. ( I just remember I have to draw some characters picture in Photoshop as well... !0! There is only 5 days left...)


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