Sprite Sheet Animation_ boy

 1. create a folder"Assets> Animation>Controltable"

right click and creat a Animator Controller:"Create> Animator Controller"

2. Selected the boy and add Component"Animator", drag the "StarAnim" to “Controller”

3. Open Animation: "Window>Animation"

4.Create a Animation

5. Save the anmation at the same folder

6. add the boy's images into the Animation pannel and make a animation

7. You also can create an another animation when you click "Create New Clip..."

8. Except the images, you also can add property, such as Position

9.Open the Animator pannel: "Window>Animation>Animation"

10.Connet the Animation together

Add the Conditions for transform the basic animation to second animation

PS: tick the "Apply Root Motion" for all animation could be work well.


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