Environment and Charactor Designs



Is a lamb missing?

A shepherd kept 100 sheep. One day, his dad ask him to count the sheep, as his dad thought there is one lamb missed.



1. the protagonist: Shepherd

2. his goal: count the sheep/lamb and put them into the fold

3. the antagonist or antagonistic force:

-If  the shepherd didn't count the sheep/lamb correct, he need to count again.

-The sheep/lamb come more on next level.

-In the harder mode, there is the time limit for the shepherd to count and put the sheep/lamb -into the fold, otherwise the sheep/lamb will catch by the wolf.  



My game's environment is mid-east.



Mood board

Original Art work

Character Development




Jacob Lamb

Mood Board

Original Lamb design


Bio: Shepherd is a 6-9 years-old boy. He is living in the mid-east with his mum, dad, and little sister. He is caring, kind, clever, and brave. He looks after his little sister very well. He always loves to help his dad to care for the sheep and lambs. He saved a little lamb from a cliff from a wolf before.


Mood Board

Original Shepherd


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