Jacob received seed from his teacher, like all the other
classmates. He planted the seed in a pretty pot and put it on his windowsill.
He was waiting for it to sprout soon.
After four weeks, the seedling came out. Jacob was super excited.
However, when Jacob saw that his friends’ plants had already
started flowering or grew a bud, he suddenly felt disappointed, because his
plant grew so much slower than all the others’. He dropped the seedling pot
from his hands, and the pot fell.
Next evening, Jacob saw the seedling when he came back; the
seedling was listless. Jacob took pity on the wee seedling. He thought that he would
keep looking after it no matter how slow it would grow or what it would grow
to. A belief that this seedling would grow up as good as the other friends’
plants which built up in Jacob’s heart. He put the pot right and watered it.
From then on, Jacob looked after the plant very well. He was
not only watering the plant but also doing a lot of actives with it, such as reading
books, playing guitar or recorder, playing video games, painting, singing
songs, dancing, exercising and so on. The plant grew up slow but nicely.
One morning, when Jacob woke up, he saw a flower on the
plant was blooming to the sun. The petals were in rainbow colour, and the
flower was waving as dancing. While it was waving, there seem to be music notes
and letters came out. The music notes and letters made up a glowing ring, which
was spinning on the top of the flower. Jacob carefully hugged the flower with
the brightest smile.
Name: Jacob
Age: 5.5 years old
Hobbies: Watching cartoons (Pokémon), reading comic book
(Captain Underpants and Dog Man), playing recorder and guitar, playing T-ball,
swimming, running, biking and playing Man Craft Game, singing pop song
Jacob is a friendly, easy-going boy with a warm heart. He likes
making friends, but he is the little shy to talk with strangers. He is very
prided of he got the first place in his field running competition. He is nice
to the pet and often playing with his dog. He needs some encouragement when he
meets the problems, otherwise he would easily get frustrating. He loves to explore
new things. Cars and plants are his favourite toys.
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