How to put Refernce images into Maya
1. Setup a project, and save the Reference images into "Sourceimages"
2. Create a 20x20 flat poly, and rotate into 90 degrees, and also make it on the floor. Change the Poly name into " Front_GEORef"
3. Right-click, choose "Assign Favorite Material>Lambert"
5.Choose "File"
7. Select the reference image from the Sourseimages folder.
8.If the reference image doesn't show up, click the shade icon as below:
9. The reference image will show up. "Contrl+D" copy the Reference layer and rotate into 90 degrees. Create another Lamber layer, and put the side image on as the step above. (Don't forget to change the files name-Poly layer & Lamber layer.
10.If the back sides are in black colour, and can't see the image. Click the "Lighting >Two Sided lighting"
The reference images should show up properly.
11.Select both of the Reference layers, and click the layer icon on the right side botton, then make a reference layer. Change the name and choose a colour for this layer.
12. Now, you can click to the"R" (Stand for reference) to lock the layer as a reference. That means you won't click on them while you are making the model.
2. Create a 20x20 flat poly, and rotate into 90 degrees, and also make it on the floor. Change the Poly name into " Front_GEORef"
3. Right-click, choose "Assign Favorite Material>Lambert"
4. Change the Lamber Lay name into"Front_Ref". Click the icon at the end of the "Colour" option.
5.Choose "File"
6.Click the file icon
7. Select the reference image from the Sourseimages folder.
8.If the reference image doesn't show up, click the shade icon as below:
9. The reference image will show up. "Contrl+D" copy the Reference layer and rotate into 90 degrees. Create another Lamber layer, and put the side image on as the step above. (Don't forget to change the files name-Poly layer & Lamber layer.
10.If the back sides are in black colour, and can't see the image. Click the "Lighting >Two Sided lighting"
The reference images should show up properly.
11.Select both of the Reference layers, and click the layer icon on the right side botton, then make a reference layer. Change the name and choose a colour for this layer.
12. Now, you can click to the"R" (Stand for reference) to lock the layer as a reference. That means you won't click on them while you are making the model.
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