3D Anamation Project Touble Shooting 1 - Text font changed after rendering and layer lost

Text font changing after rendering

I met a problem that a special text font changes after I rendering.  The "zerofees" is a font named "Dax", but it isn't a normal font for all the computer.

The font issue is due to the different fonts being available on different machines. This was an issue on all the machines as not all the fonts loaded when the machines were re-imaged. 
render in Maya
rendering out in the video

The solution would be to turn the fonts into meshes.

1. open the file in Maya, and select the text. You will see there are a lot of history infomation at Input list.( as show in the image right red box)

(I have to make sure the text is all right and not going to change any more. As after I turn it into meshes, it won't able to change at all.)

Click "Edit> Delete by type>History"

Once the history has been deleted, the "Input" information list would be clean up too.

When you open the "Attribute Editor", most of the information tabs have gone, and there is no "type" tab neither. That means the text is mash and no longer able to re-type again.


Layer lost

I found the other problem is some layers would be lost after rendering. 

see as below:
the eyeball frame and the teardrop have been lost after rendering.

The solution could delete the history as I did on above. or I also tried to render the shot in only one machine. 


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