How to make Flow Ribbion in Maya 2018

1. Create a ribbon and a path. I increase the "Z" velue

2. select the ribbon and go to Channel Box/Layer Editor>Inputs>Subbivisions Height, change to "50"

3. Change to Animation panel. Go to "Constrain>Motion Paths>Attach to Motion Path" click the little square on the side to open the menu

4. The menu pops up. Set up the "Front axis" to "Z", and  click "Attach"

5. Now the ribbon was attached to the path but acting like a hardwood. Show as below.

6. Open the menu "Constrain > Motion Paths> Flow Path Object" Click the little square at the right side.

7. The Flow Path Object menu pops up. Change the "Divisions:Front" to "50", and select "Lattice around: Object". Then click Flow.

8. Then the ribbon is flowing with the path now. 


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